Living in Manhattan amid so many fresh markets and being seafood lovers, we tend to eat fish a few times a week. And we don’t like wasting food. So when we have large salmon filets for dinner and can’t finish ’em, time for a Salmon Bowl at noon-ish the following day.
Similar to our other salad bowls, these Salmon Bowls are basic, easy and fun to recreate with whatever is in your fridge.

For this particular bowl we just started by chopping and warming the leftover salmon filets in a pan. While that’s warming up, put some cooked kamut and a bed of kale at the bottom of a bowl. Place red cabbage, cucumber, avocado or any other veggies you like on top. Add salmon.
We topped with one of our go-to dressings, which is rice vinegar, sesame oil, sriracha, honey, sesame seeds, salt and pepper.